Line of the Week comes from James Lileks (as usual):"I’m not tired of actors speaking out; I will never tire of actors speaking out, because it provides the same amusement of watching dogs walk on their hind legs. The sight itself is hilarious, and it always ends with the performer falling over.". . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dear Mr. Site Admin: Since 'ol Ern has chosen to purchase an advertisement to increase his ignominy, it ought to tell you that he's a firm believer in the Cohen's, "say whatever you want about me just spell my name correctly" school. So, would you be kind enough to post his picture on our masthead once again? I know you removed it after the CFR hatched their half-assed "plan", but in light of this new development, perhaps we should start the countdown, "Days with no plan from the CFR that did not provide for $290,000.00 profit for Ernie's pal.". . . . . . . . . . . . .
Want some great reading on how the war might go? Just go to the top of Steven Den Beste's blog U.S.S. Clueless and begin reading.. . . . . . . . . . . . . just knew somebody was going to say it, didn't you?. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Of all of the useful idiots on parade yesterday, someone out there had to come up with the stupidest comment of the day. From this Associated Press article comes my nominee:"In the spirit of Dr. King, in the spirit of Crazy Horse," he said, "no blood for oil." ---- Moonanum James of United American Indians of New EnglandHey! What is Gandhi? Chopped liver?. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why I love Google - Part II
Entering the search term "Texas Blog" draws up Jessica's Well in the #3 and #4 spots! At least today it did.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why I love the blogosphere. Yesterday, there were several antiwar demonstrations held in some major cities across America. Fifteen minutes of reading in the blogosphere will provide more information on these demonstrations and, more importantly, those who were orchestrating them than you will get with a lifetime subscription to the New York Times. Think that I am kidding or over stating my case? Click on the next few links and find out what the Old Grey Lady doesn't see fit to print.
For background on A.N.S.W.E.R. go here: Powerline
Want to know more about the World Worker's Party? Try here.
Great pictures of the 'massive' protest? This is good.
You know what? Just go to Instapundit or Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs and follow the links out of there and decide for yourself just how useless or lazy the establishment media can really be...especially when they want to be.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Two new Midland bloggers showed up in the e-mail bin this morning. Meet Joe at texapocalypse and his sweet wife Jenn.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Actual MISD students take the initiative to campaign for the upcoming bond issue. How will the CFR spin this? There is always the "willing dupes of the administration" angle, I guess. Having no sense of irony whatsoever the CFR could always resort to the classic CFR tactic of just calling them liars and cheats outright. Nah,.......too harsh. Even for the CFR. Spoiled brats?Why you snot-nosed little brats....when I was your age I had to walk five miles in the snow to call a school board trustee a liar! Yeah, I remember the old days when the CFR was only me, Mark, and that guy that works for me. Remember it like it was yesterday. Wait a minute....that was yesterday.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
This is a relief. I was afraid that the techsters thought that they had found something even better than goal posts to chunk into the visitor's seats after a football game.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Liberal elites deconstructed, courtesy of Victor David Hanson."An ancillary sort of unreality has emerged in modern Western life alongside the reduced need to use our muscles or face physical threats. In a protected world, Saddam Hussein comes to seem little different from a familiar angry dean or a predictably moody editor, someone who can be either reasoned with or, if necessary, censured or sued. In this connection, it is not surprising that those most critical of America are not the purported victims of its supposedly rapacious capitalist system--farm workers, car mechanics or welders--but more often those in the arts, universities, media and government who have the time and leisure to contemplate utopian perfection without firsthand and daily exposure to backbreaking physical labor, unrepentant bullies or unapologetically violent criminals. For such people, the new prosperity does not bring a greater appreciation of the culture that has produced it but rather enables a fanciful shift from thinking in the immediate and concrete to idle musings of the distant and abstract.
For many, today's affluence is also accompanied by an unprecedented sense of security. Tenure has ensured that tens of thousands of professors who work nine months a year cannot be fired for being unproductive or mediocre scholars, much less for being abject failures in the classroom. In government at every level, job security is the norm. The combination of guarantees and affluence, the joint creation of an enormous upper-middle class, breeds a dangerous unfamiliarity with how human nature really works elsewhere, outside the protected realm.
Such naiveté engenders its own array of contradictory attitudes and emotions, including guilt, hypocrisy, and envy. Among some of our new aristocrats, the realization has dawned that their own good fortune is not shared world-wide, and must therefore exist at the expense of others, if not of the planet itself."
Read the whole thing. It is one of Hanson's best ever.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark Steyn hits yet another home run. Steyn is probably the best in the business."Every so often you read something that stops you in your tracks. A week ago, The Boston Globe ran a 10,000-word profile of Ted Kennedy by Charles Pierce. For the first gazillion paragraphs or so, it chugged along in familiar Boston Globe snoozefest mode, and then:Read the rest here.
"If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age."
That's terrific, isn't it? If he hadn't killed her, he'd have given her a grand old age -- if 62 counts as "old age," which most women would surely dispute (unless the Globe's using actuarial tables based on female life expectancy of Kennedy acquaintances). But Mr. Pierce's point is a simple one: Sure, 34 years ago, Teddy fished himself out of the briny, staggered away and somehow neglected to inform the authorities until the following morning that he'd left some gal down there. But, if he was too tired to do anything for her back then, he's been "tireless" on her behalf ever since.
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Big Gold Dog starts off the Midland blog world discussion on the upcoming school bond with a piece on the "Ignorami" (his word, not mine) that will most probably decide the outcome of said bond proposal.
Note to Wallace: While I think that the word "Ignorami" is essentially correct I believe that the Official Blog Style Book demands the word "Idiotarian" be used in these situations.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Site Admin: Is it not ironic that Didion complains of curtailed discussion by right wing bullies after 9/11? Left wing strategy has for years had the goal of curtailing discussion by conservatives, and one tactic to achieve this has been to heap criticism, opposition and ridicule on them. Welcome to the club.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
The US Navy will be implementing a new "Catch and Release" program in its war on terrorism. This new program targets smaller terrorist cells and fringe groups for the purpose of intelligence gathering. Once these small groups are captured and interrogated, they are then released in neutral territory, as seen in this Navy photo.
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Andrew Sullivan delivers leftist idiotarian Joan Didion the Fisking** of the Week™."But more revealing of the mindset of today's left is Didion's belief that somehow open discussion has been curtailed, censored or chilled after 9/11 by a cadre of right-wing bullies. This is simply hooey. The First Amendment still exists. Those legions of leftists who occupy such establishment heights at most American university faculties and the nation's newsrooms and editorial boards, not to speak of the hyper-liberal foundations, can still say whatever they think. But these days, they've actually got to endure criticism, opposition and occasionally ridicule as a consequence. They don't like this. They're used to writing their opinions to universal applause, prizes, sinecures and pliant reviews. Sorry to spoil the party, Joan. But debate in wartime is often a tough and grueling experience. Stop whining and start arguing."Read the rest here.
** The term refers to Robert Fisk, a journalist who wrote some rather foolish anti-war stuff, and who in particular wrote a story in which he (1) recounted how he was beaten by some anti-American Afghan refugees, and (2) thought they were morally right for doing so. Hence many pro-war blogs -- most famously, InstaPundit -- often use the term "Fisking" figuratively to mean a thorough and forceful verbal beating of an anti-war, possibly anti-American, commentator who has richly earned this figurative beating through his words. Good Fisking tends to be (or at least aim to be) quite logical, and often quotes the other article in detail, interspersing criticisms with the original article's text.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
As if I didn't already have enough to love about Google, now this: If you import and install the Google Toolbar you can get some cool functions and handy tools added to your browser. One of these functions is called Page Rank which is described as "Google's measure of the importance of this page".
Midland Reporter-Telegram Home Page Importance Ranking According to Google: 4 out of 10.
Jessica's Well Page Importance Ranking According to Google: 5 out of 10.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fire Ant Gazette is cutting into our gig here at Jessica's Well with critique of the local media. Not bad either........dammit.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Going, going,............................... . . . . . . . . . . . .
Long time White House reporter Sarah McClendon died today at age 92.....outliving Helen Thomas by at least fifteen years, wouldn't you say?. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Perhaps outlawing speaking on a cell phone while driving.....(or is it driving while speaking an a cell phone that would be illegal?) is not a terrible idea. But I think that before we pass any such law we should first make it illegal to drive with small dogs in your lap.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Two Cities - No Limits"
Priceless at $39,000.00. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Another great idea for Economic Diversification and Development from Wallace Craig at Big Gold Dog. We need to make sure that BurritoGrande gets their name in there somehow, though......if they want to.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Walser: You keep mentioning that there is out there a Treasurer for the CFR whose name is neither Woodside or Kimball and that he is probably either related to or employed by Mr. Woodside or Mr. Kimball. My theory is that it is Mr. Woodside he is related to or employed by. Why do I think this? It is because someone is having to break the 1-1 tie when they vote on the CFR Presidency and Mr. Woodside has been in that office for a while now.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Walsingham's Great Prediction for 2003? The 5000 member strong (not counting Odessa!) and always growing Citizens For Fiscal Responsibility will announce no meetings, collect no dues, send out no ballots and then "elect" either Mr. Kimball or Mr. Woodside as their President.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Year 2002 Numbers
15,043 Visitors!
104,213 Hits!
And, technically, we aren't even a year old yet since we started in late March of 2002. Thanks to those who did the writing and much more thanks to those who did the reading. Have a Happy New Year!. . . . . . . . . . . . .